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Showing posts with label ibps po papers. Show all posts

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

IBPS PO preliminary practice question papers pdf download 2016

IBPS PO prelim practice paper free pdf download:IBPS has already announced dates of IBPS PO prelim examination.This is the right time to prepare for IBPS PO preliminary examination. IBPS has started conducting two tier examination for IBPS PO since 2015.We have already shared preliminary exam practice questions for SBI PO.You can practice same question for IBPS PO preliminary also.You can assess yourselves by solving this IBPS PO preliminary practice/model question papers.We have provided 5 sets of IBPS PO preliminary practice question papers in ebook/pdf format. You can read and download IBPS PO preliminary exam practice questions from the links provided below. You may also like to check IBPS PO prelim examination pattern and detailed syllabus.

These model Question paper sets contains 3 sections:Questions 1-35 quantitative aptitude,questions 36-70 reasoning and question 71-100 English language.Each question carry one mark each.Duration is one hour.Difficulty level of this model paper is moderate.Along with this sample papers ,we also provide answer keys with explanations.These question papers are prepared based on the previous year question paper of IBPS PO Preliminary examination.Before going in to the practice test you may check IBPS PO preliminary exam pattern and complete syllabus from here. 

IBPS PO Prelim 2016 Exam Pattern

Number of questions and max marks
Time allotted
English language

1 hour
Quantitative Aptitude
 IBPS PO preliminary 2016 detailed syllabus and exam pattern

IBPS PO prelim practice model question sets pdf

Here is the five sets of Practice questions for IBPS PO preliminary examination 2015

Don't forget to share IBPS PO preliminary practice question paper pdf download with your friends.
If you haven't read IBPS PO Prelim 2015 model paper yet,you can read and download it from here.
IBPS PO prelim 2015 sample paper-pdf
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